Thursday, April 15, 2010

Reasons I Wish I Had My Camera Today

And substitute illustrations thanks to flickr.

1. There was a snake outside the library. I don't usually see snakes
in my day to day business.

2. At the coffee shop the lady in line in front of me was an Ariana
lookalike. She might have actually been Ariana Huffington.

3. While I drank my coffee, a minimum of 4 (four) hipster girls walked
by wearing Wayfarers or Wayfarer lookalikes.

4. At lunch, I turned the Wayfarer-spotting into a game, and collected a minimum of four (4) more girls and 3 (three) guys sporting the look.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On My Honor

Sorry, I was going to call and warn you, but then you got here before I had a chance.

Don't worry about it. There's really no point in warning me; I'm always prepared. I'm like a boyscout. Except I don't know how to tie knots.